Thursday, September 6, 2012

Harry Reid: Dumbest Comment So Far This Year

Speaking about Mitt Romney, Harry Reid said: 

“Never in modern American history has a presidential candidate tried so hard to hide himself from the people he hopes to serve.”

I’m not birther, but I always use this analogy when talking about Obama’s birth certificate fiasco.  If a cop pulls you over and asks to see your id, and you stall, he’ll ask again.  If you stall a second time and continue to stall, that cop would rightly become suspicious.

Also, if I—and nearly every other American in this country—had two forms of a birth certificate and I was running for president and people asked to see my birth certificate, I would show them.  If they said, “we want to see the other form”, I would say “Okay”.    “Okay” is a short word, so unless you have one hell of a stammer, it shouldn’t take three years to say.

So while I believe that Obama was born in Hawaii, I’ve always wondered why it took so long to release the long form.  This conspiracy theory could have been nipped in the bud before it got off the ground if Obama had simply said “okay”.

The only saving grace of this comment is that Reid said "presidential candidate".  The three years Obama spent on his birth certificate were while he was president. In light of all that, Harry Reid’s comment goes down as the dumbest comment so far this year.

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